Coin Mints
The United States Mint produces circulating coinage (penny, nickel, dime, quarter, half-dollar, and dollar coin) in order for the United States to conduct its trade and commerce and to sell as numismatic products. Currently, the mint has many coin and medals programs, including the 50 state quarters program, golden dollars, the presidential $1 coin program, and the Westward Journey nickel series. There is also an award winning children's website site, H.P.C., or hip pocket change.
www.usmint.govThe Bank of Greece is the central bank of the country. It was established in 1927 by an Annex to the Geneva Protocol and started operations in May 1928. It was incorporated as a société anonyme. According to its Statute, its head office is in Athens. It has a nationwide network of 18 branches, 38 agencies and 8 outlets.